Now how amazing is this.........made by my daughter❤
A closeup of this Yule Log.....and it should come as no surprise that it was decadent and yummy.
And of course their were simple cookies......lots of fun to make on the 24th!
Lots and lots of sprinkles of course
We had lots of beautiful fires, music and lovely appetizers here
Next we worked on a 1000 piece puzzle, almost finished, no picture yet!
So we ate and ate, had some drinks, talked and chattered, laughed and were silly, did dishes and more dishes, played family games and were very competitive, stayed up very late and slept very well......the perfect definition of a well celebrated Christmas with family!!! (very much missed those not with us)
NOW we have this BLizzard 2010, officially named by Government. Here is what we woke up to today and what developed throughout the day until dusk.
Beautiful end to the blizzard, who could imagine this!