Just for the Love of it

Love, Faith, Laughter, Friendship, Understanding, Inspiration, Kindness, Gratitude, Smiles and so much more, that's what it's all about!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

New Week

Time is flying and I'm off again to visit my mom. She seems to be doing well with her new live in caregiver : )  This will be one of my last visits before the new year. It's difficult to travel as the holidays get closer. So we will make the most of this up coming visit.
I will see you all in a week and share my visit with all of you.
I hope everyone has an extraordinary week overflowing with creativity and productivity, mixed with laughter and happiness!!!!

I have been making crochet hooks this weekend and will be posting them in my Etsy shop on Monday! Spread the word to anyone you know who needs a gift or stocking stuffer.

Well, see you all in a week. Thanks so much for your visits and comments. I love 'em all and appreciate the time you take to comment.


Female Quail visiting my deck on Friday......Never saw one before and had to look it up, to identify this  creature.


  1. Dear Robin, have a good trip and enjoy your mom a lot lot lot.. I looked up female quail and they have that little black topknot.. Dayle wondered if it was a grouse? Whatever it is.. it's cool! We'll miss you.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. What an amazing visitor you had had!!! :)
    Have a safe trip Robin, I hope your Mum is settled and happy!
    Vivienne x

  3. That quail is amazing, so regal looking. Have a great time with your Mom Robin, I am so glad the caregiver is working out nicely.

  4. Have a good visit with your Mom. I love Quail!! And I think I may need one of your hooks!!!

  5. Have a great trip Robin and enjoy your time with your dear Mum. Amazing bird visitor! Take care,
    Jane x

  6. I hope you have a lovely time with your sweet mother, Robin. The quail is an amazing looking bird....I love it when unusual birds arrive in our garden and always look them up too. Will be over to your shop soon :)
    Have a happy week and good journey.
    Helen x

  7. Dear Robin,
    I hope you have a wonderful time with your mom. Enjoy it. Hugs Nicole

  8. Have a wonderful time with your mom, dear Robin! I'll "see" you soon :)

