So it is a rainy pouring day in Vermont and all of the east coast for the matter, so a perfect day to get caught up with must dos and fun things. Soooooo I am finally writing my second post! Finally got a delivery of my new crochet hook and comfort grip handles to put on my other hooks! I think they will be more, I will let you know!
I am starting to think about decorating for Halloween and fall, I guess fall is really here. I found this decoration at a local shop up here in the Upper Valley (that's what they call this area of VT. and NH.
I think is so cute and funny....what do you think?
So anyway I wanted to show you a little of my world.....
Here is my sewing, knitting, crocheting, and everything room
It's so get to have this room to keep everything......but I do have to admit I really need to spend alot more time there.
Next is my work in progress and I am so bored with it cos it has taking my forever, and have to finish it before I will let myself start on other unfinished projects....Sound familiar!
It's just a simple baby comfort, but have more to do and then edging.
So I will get to that soon, but for how let me finish my post. Just wanted to show you a little of my world here in Vermont. Oh, by the way I have only lived here 2 years sooooo it is really new to me to be in such wide open beautiful space and not of neighbors, so it can get pretty lonely, but that said there are many things to do!
Beautiful hiking trails-
View from my back deck-
And I will end with my favorite, a double rainbow from this summer. My it was beautiful. You should have seem me running around to grab the camera and capture this moment.
Well, thanks for visiting my nest and I hope to get some hooking done. ❤ robin