I invite you to come along and walk with me along the beach in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. I'm here with my "Jack" to do some house clean up and packing up.........some exciting reno's may be happening in the near future🏠
Had to get up early to fit in a lovely walk with Jack because the rest of the day would be so busy.
Come along.......
Tiny tiny mushroom clusters
Love the light peering through
Almost there...holding my breath❤️
Lovely welcoming sight
Jack's ready
Result of the surf
Jack being vocal.....it's cooolllldddd, but I love it!
You can see there has been some rough surf
Great day to sail, although the sails are not up...yet
Close up
Windy....see Jack's ears
Some people dock their boats right on the beach...."Tom Luckey"
It even happens on the beach
Never any whole shells, but love 'em all
Lots of these on the beach, not sure what it is yet! tons of round balls attached to strands
See what I mean
Horse shoe crab
Washed ashore
Love the barnacles on this shell
Other side, so intriguing to me
Yes, it's windy and I'm always happy on "my beach"
Time to go, Jack's not ready
One last look.......bye sweet love
Fences up to protect the dunes and beach during the winter months
Lovely blue sky and fluffy clouds
And the Sun shining bright
Normally there are shoes/sandals all scatter up the path to the beach but not so much in September
Jack's pouting
Salty wet Dog
Thought this was interesting five finger rooted tree
See the leaves that are falling
Sad pathetic Jack
I felt so mean but there were things to be done!!!
Just the beginning..............
I packed for two days, now ready for the movers to store for us over the winter. Larger kitchen and room addition and second bath. It will be some very nice usable space. Very exciting, we have been hoping to do for years ; )
This was delivered to me from my thoughtful kids in honor of my mom, their grandmother and her one year anniversary of missing her. It was a day I was not looking forward to, but it was a wonderful day, I felt so loved and not alone at all, thanks to my wonderful family❤️
It's funny because I'm really so relieved the first year of holidays and birthdays are over, the first year is so hard. Now it's the love and happy thoughts that are forever in our hearts, soul and dreams. Yes, dreams, I dream a lot of my loved ones❤
Thanks so much for taking a walk with me, I hope you enjoyed it and could relax and be at peace.
More to come soon, love to you all and thank you for your comments, love and support!